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losing the leg

December 10th, 2014 by

Friday is the day. Last month we were told it was very most likely OSA. Then the biopsy came back negative. Our vet is still feeling like it is, despite the results. The tumor on his leg is growing with lots of fragments so regardless of the diagnosis, my poor boy is in pain. Hopefully after Friday, Bubba can begin the healing and get back to his old doofus self. They will send the leg to the lab for testing to try and figure out exactly what is the problem. Hoping for the best!

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November 25th, 2014 by

It was Friday November 21st when we found out that Bubba had osteosarcoma. About a month earlier, I noticed he was limping on his left front leg. The dogs had been digging in the yard so I figured he had stepped into a hole and injured himself. Two weeks later he was still limping and there was a lump on the side of his hock so I took him to the vet. Our regular vet wasn’t in that day so we saw the other who took x rays and said it looked maybe he had fractured it and that it was already healing. He sent us home and said to come back in 3 weeks. Another two weeks passed and he definitely was not getting better.. Instead getting worse. I want about to wait another week.. My poor boy was hurting! Our regular vet was there and just by looking at the first set of x rays that it was cancer. My mind was blown! How can a 10 month old pup have cancer. I was devastated. I drove home bawling my eyes out. That first day I was useless.. My head was in a fog and I was not thinking straight. The doc had said that the recommendation was amputation and chemo.  This terrified me because we are a far cry from being rich… I am waiting to get my first disability check since an unfortunate event two years ago left me with a brain injury.. And that left my husband with a lot of weight on his shoulders.

A few days have passed now.. I am calm-doing research and exploring some options and taking Bubba to another very tomorrow for a second opinion and possibly a different form of treatment. I am really praying for the alternative, but we will do what we can to save our boys’ life

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