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Going for a walk

December 26th, 2014 by

Today was a pretty decent day so I took Bubba for his first actual walk around town. He has been running and playing in the yard but not yet just going for a pleasure walk. Well that walk turned out to be anything but pleasurable. I swear I am the only one in this town that leashes their dog and keeps him in a fenced yard. We had only gotten a half a block before one overly exuberant dog joined us. She wasn’t bad.. very friendly and bouncy and didn’t cause too much of an issue. But within 5 minutes we were a party of 5 and that’s when it got interesting. All of the dogs were very friendly so I wasn’t worried about any fighting but they were jumping all over Bubba trying to engage him in play.. and bless his heart he was trying. The other dogs were knocking into him and he was falling down which was making me mad. He wasn’t yelping or anything.. in fact he was just trying to play but I could tell he was getting overwhelmed and all the extra activity was tiring him out.I was very glad that I had driven down the hill because Bubba was really slowing down.. so we loaded up and headed home. Poor guy is on the bed totally crashed out πŸ™‚

I just really wish that we could take a nice peaceful walk in our own town. Just to be clear.. our town is huge.. population 133 lol (yeah.. sarcasm) i Its about 2 blocks wide and 4 blocks long. No stores.. no gas station.. no anything! JUST DOGS AND MORE DOGS. That’s what makes me so angry about Bubba’s cancer. We are one of the very few in this town that actually cares about our animals. They eat healthy, have their shots, kept safe in a fenced yard when they aren’t inside. Those other dogs look very healthy and happy. I guess that is why Bubba was put into our lives. God knew that we would provide him with proper care when he got sick …and would always love him no matter what.

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments »

3 Responses to “Going for a walk”

  1.   lulurupert Says:

    Man, I’m sorry you had this experience today! How unnecessarily stressful! The same thing, but only two dogs coming up, happened to me & Luna today, funny! I am so glad to hear that Bubba took it in stride and did well and the outcome was a good one, but very sorry you have to deal with this.

    Thank you for taking such good care of your boy πŸ™‚

    Kristie & Luna


  2.   benny55 Says:

    You said it so well.

    “I guess that is why Bubba was put into our lives. God knew that we would provide him with proper care when he got sick …and would always love him no matter what.”

    Yes indeedy, Bubba knew what he was doing when he picked you!!

    Hats off to Bubba for handing things so well…and you too!! Good job!!

    I wish you had a safer llace he could walk. It’s too early for him to jave to be dealing with all this excitement. Yet, at the same time, he probably really enjoyed it…if it only been one or two dogs…not five!

    Really glad to hear Bubba is doing so well! And it on l y gets better!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!


  3.   jerry Says:

    Awww definitely sounds like a lot for Bubba to handle right now but he’ll be back in his game with the dogs of your town.

    I love small towns but I know what you mean, there are way too many places where dogs are allowed to roam and that means trouble. You’re a pawesome example for their humans, thank you.


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